Sep 11, 2012


1.Cable television system have 3 major components: head-end equipments; trunk cable  and feeder cable.
2. Head-end equipments apply the signal to a trunk cable to carry the signal to local distribution system.
3. The feeder cable is smaller and less expensive than trunk cable.
4. As cable technology was improved the bandwidth was increased and more channels here added.
5. Distance learning for school and telemedicine for healthcare organizations are emerging applications.
1. LAN-s use one of two methods of modulating data on the transmission medium.
2. Terminals are the method of accessing the mainframe.
3. Coax, twinax and shielded wire are the physical medium.
4. A structured wiring system is composed of one of one or more building blocks
5. Shielding is metallic braid or layer of foil surrounding cable.
1. ISDN lines come in two varieties, BRI and PRI.
2. BRI consists of two 64kbps B(bearer) channels pl one 16 kbps D(data) channel.
3. The objective of ISDN are to provide end-to-end digital connectivity
4. ISDN standards are formulated on the first three layers of the OSI model
5. The primary issues surrounding ISDN are cost and availability.
1. Airports coffee shops and even some street corners are covered by wireless signals.
2. Satellite service is the only method of providing access from airlines and ships at sea.
3. Wireless is the only broadband access method available to many users.
4. The subscriber can couple directly to a cable modem.
5. Some cable providers do not limit the number of IP addresses.
1. The switch modules are of two types time switches and space switches.
2. The networks is rated by the sequence of switching stages.
3. Databases store the system configuration trunk and subscriber line features.
4. Trunk ports interface interoffice trunks.
1. A blocking switch has concentration in the line ports, but note in the trunk ports.
2. Two different architectures are employed in the line interface.
1. An ATM networks is composed of switches connected by high-speed links
2. The user connects to the networks through the UNI.
3. Any waves entering of greater angle can escape through the cladding.
4. The reflected waves take alonger path to the detector than those that propagate directly.
1. AAL-2 is for VBR applications such a compresed voice that depend on synchronization between endpoints, but do not have a constant data transmission speed
2. DWDM system today use 100GHz spacing between wavelengths generally providing 40 channels per fifer in the C band.
3. CDWM system apply about 16 wavelengths to a fiber.
4. MNF is classified by its refractive index into two general
5. The linghtquide has three parts: the inner core the outer cladding, and a protective coating around the cladding.
1. DSL comes in alphabet soup of options going by the names of HDSL,SDS,L,ADSL and VDSL, collectively described by the term*DSL.
2. Early DSL service required installation by a specialist, but this was expensive and time consuming
3. ADSL is the most common type and is most attractive for casual users.\
4. SDSL, also known as symmetric DSL, providers T1/E1 service on a single cable pair and derives POTS line under the data signal
40. Signaling system can be classified by the method of exchanging signal: direct current (DC), tone, bit robbed and Common channel.
41. Signal can be grouped by the four functions they perform: Supervising addressing clerting and cell progress.
42. SS7 uses a layered protocol that resembles the OSI model.
43. The signaling datalink is the physical layer
44. The signaling link layer is datalink that hes three functions: Flow control error corrections and delivery of packets in the proper sequence.
45.Class service bring to residence and small business users feetures that are avialeble in most PBX’s
46. The objective of any telephone network are to establish connection between endpoints.
47. MMDS was a wireless replacement for cable television with 200MHz of spectrum allocated between 2,5 and 2,76Hz
48. 36 callular is intended to support Internet access from a cell phone or equivalent .
49. Internet acc of cable ess is asymmetric in nature, so the limited upstream bandwidth
of cable, wireless and DSL are appropriate
50. Wireless is the only broadband access method available to many users.
51. A transponder is a radio relay station on board the satellite.
52. Satellite stabilization is achieved by two methods.
-spin stabilized
-tree axis stabilization
53. Statellilies are powered by solar butteries powex is conserved by therning off unused equipment with signals from the earth
54. The main purpose of both TDM and IP customer premise switching is identical.
55. The attendant can also act as a central information source for directory and call assistance
56. The convergence is a complex brew of economics politics culture and technology
57. External calls can take a different path than internal calls.
58. Circuit switching is the essence of today’s PSTN.
59. Circuit switching has evolved through five different generations manual direct-controlled electromechanical, common-controlled electromechanical, processor-controlled analog and processor-controlled digital or TDM switches.
60. The PSTN is a hierarchical networks that consist of two types of switches: end offices and tandem switches
61. Three-way calling-allows the uses to added third party to the conversation by momentarily holding the first party while a third number is dialed
62. Today every major industrialized center is optic cable and the result Is high quality and low cost bandwidth
63. Internet telecommuting video cofferencing distance learning and a host of other productivity- enchasing applications ride the fiber backbone.
64. In single- mode fiber light and take only a single path through a core that measures about 9’ microns in diametre which is about the size of a bacterium
65. These are the human-to-machine communications involved in setting up a call.
66. Addressing and signaling are different in voice and data networks.
67. Two devices can communicate using only the physical layer.
68. Every device connected to a TCP/IP networks requires at least one unique IP address
69. The networks layer can be either connectionless or connection-oriented
70. The applications layer is the interface between the networks and the application running on the computer
71. The service provider decides how many subscriber will share this bandwidth.
72. If more than one computer is connected over the modem, each computer gets a separate address.
73. Upstream is more difficult because the medium is shared
74. Eight amplitude levels are used to modulate the carries.
75. Radio signals are conuenient for mobile and portable applications.
76. Outside plant is the collection of cables poles conduit and connect the central office to the subscribers premises.
77. Cable is classified according to its supporting structure
-Aerial cable supported on pole line
-Underground cable enclosed in buried conduit
- Buried cable placed directly in the ground
78. Underground cable is placed in conduit.
79. Structured cabling system is foundation of any LAN.
80. Advantage of use UTP cable is cheaper than others and easy to install
81. Structured wiring system is compatibility with other equipments
82. Terminations must be numbered labeled color coded.
83. Equipments rooms and backbone cable are elements of structured wiring system
84. Shielded cable is more reliability than unshielded wiring.
85. IP line cards are connected to an Ethernet port.
86. Not long ago desktop computers were rare, and the Internet was the province of a handful of intellectuals in universities government agencies and large companies.
87. Most people had no idea what a modem was or why they would ever need one.
88. A VSAT networks is star-connected with a hub at the center and dedicated lines runnig to the host computer.
89. The hub has a larger antenna, often 4m to 11m in diameter aimed at the satellite.
90. Calls can be connected to landline telephones or to other satellite phones.
91. The primary applications for VSAT is data although it can also carry voice and video.
92. The satellite uses the L-band for communication with the subscriber terminals.
93. Where multiple T1/E1 circuits are needed between points T3/E3 or fractional T3/E3 may be economical
94. T-3 service in North America is a full 28 DS-1s operating at 45 Mbps
95. Some applications do not use the full bandwidth of a circuit so multiple applications can share the transmission medium .
96. HYTC lines come in two varieties BRI and PRI
97. BRI consist of two 64 kbps B(bearer) channels pl one 16 kbps D(data) channel.
98. ISDN standarts are formulated on the first three layers of the OSI model
99. A LAN is networks dedicated to a single organization, limited a range limited and connected by a common communications technology.
100. LANs started cutes narrow-range systems but the enterpoise networks today has evolved into a networks of interconnected LANs
101. Networks topology is the pattern of interconnections of the networks nodes.
102. LANs use the some topologies of n LAN are used and metropolitan
103. All of the transmission media used in other networks-twisted pair wire coaxial cable fibr optics, radio and infrared are employed in LANs
104. The central controller in a digital switch is always redundant to provide high reliability
105. In a central control system all the call-processing is concentrated in a signal location.
106. The digital central office in underground a transformation into a combination digital switch and soft switch
107. Tandem switching capability in an optional feature of most digital switches
108. A multiprocessing system was two or more processor that share call-processing functions
109. Two types of optical fiber are manufactured single mode and multimode.
110. Multimode fibers have cores of 50-200 microns in diameters.
111. ATM is multiplexing and switching technology that is also known as broadband ISDN (B-ISDN)
112. Email is revolutionizing the way people communicate.
113. Information can be transferred instantaneously between any computers that have access to an email server either a public server or a private server attached to the office.
114. Cable plant is divided into two categories
115. Feeder cables extend from the central office to a serving area
116. Main feeders are large backbone cables that exit in the central office
117. Branch feeders are smaller cables that route from the main feeders to a serving area
118. Distribution cable extend from serving area interface to users premises
119. Serving area interface terminal is function between the feeder and distribution cable
120. If destination is reachable from a directly attached active the router will we that route.
121. LIP uses a distance-vector algorithm that selects a route based on the number of hops to a destination networks or host
122. Routers maintain databases of the entire area including other routers on the networks and the cost of each routers connections
123. The integrated IS-IS algorithm is similar in operation to OSPF in topology and operation but with different addressing method
124. Routers that communicate with BGR are known as BGP speacers
125. If the path is congested and routers buffers are full. If discands packets and the customer arranges for retransmission.
126. Routing protocols classified and interior if they are capable of reaching destinations within domain or autonomous system.
127. The routers on the networks exchanging routing tables until they learn the topology and number of hops to the other routers
128. OSPE propagates reachability information to other routers which enable them to simplify their routing tables

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